Mandarin Fun will start summer courses from mid June, appreciate if you could help us share below information with your friends:
1)Kids Chinese Program
Class Time: 9am-12pm Mon to Fri
2)Daily Class for Total Beginners
Starting Time: Jun 17th 2019 (2 hrs per day Mon to Fri)
Text Book: Our Chinese Classroom Primary I
3)HSK 3 Night Time Class
Class Time: Twice a week in July and August (7-9pm)
Text Book: HSK 3 Standard Course
4)Primary III
Class Time: Mon to Thu mornings (2 hrs per day)
Text Book: Our Chinese Classroom Primary III
In the mean time, there are other classes available upon request, please contact Anne Xu via 136 0601 2790 or add wechat ID:xuhui2790 for more information.